Friday, August 13, 2010

Wow...people really did come back and read!

Hi all,

guess I wasn't such a great blog editor! Seems like I should make a point of checking this more than every 2 years!

But it also looks as though many people have connected through facebook so perhaps the blog became obsolete. I'll let it stay live and come back and check periodically if anyone posts. Maybe I'll figure out how to set up a Facebook group page and let that become the go to spot.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

One more thing...

I think once you post a comment, I'll be able to add you as a publisher to the site so you can put your own postings and images up. Which is good 'cause I am not the best at being a site manager!

Still crazy after all these years

As promised, I have created a blog for our class so we can stay connected and share information. I don't know how late most of you stayed last night. The party seemed to still be going strong when I ditched out around 10:30.

I'll post some pictures from the event when I figure out how to do that (yes, I am savvy enough to create a blog but still 'old' enough not to really know how to work it! I can only get one picture uploaded at a time. Sorry Jim for the white spot on your face, although after the short comments you made, I may not try to correct that!)

Feel free to share the link with anyone whose email I don't have here.
It was great fun to see all of you after 30 years and I hope we stay connected more frequently going forward.